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Supporting children at risk of early school leaving
Support for tuition fees
Even if the social vocation of the Règne school implies that the tuition fees are very low, some parents cannotacquit. JIAE then bears these costs to prevent the child from dropping out of school.
Purchase of school supplies
J'IRAI A L'ECOLE provides for the purchase of school supplies for children from families in great difficulty.
Making uniforms and aprons
JIAE finances the making of uniforms and aprons for the many children who do not have them.
Clothing collection and delivery
JIAE organizes clothing collections from its members and donors in France. These donations are channeled through the association AVIATION SANS FRONTIERES.They are given to the children of the school on the occasion of the missions carried out in the field by the members of J'IRAI A L'ECOLE.
Logement d'une famille à Madagascar
Famille malgache
Distribution de vêtements aux enfants de l'école Règne à Madagascar
Logement d'une famille à Madagascar
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