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"The mind is enriched by what it receives,

  the heart by what it gives".

 Victor Hugo



On line

It's the simplest. Click on the button on the right and follow the instructions.

On line

It's the simplest. Click on the button on the right and follow the instructions.

By transfer

Download the support form, fill it out and send it back to us.

Download the bank references of J'IRAI À L'ECOLE and program a transfer of the amount of your donation, clearly specifying your name.

By cheque

Download the support form, fill it out and send it back to us, enclosing a check for the amount of your donation made out to J'IRAI A L'ECOLE.


The donation to J'IRAI A L'ECOLE entitles you to a tax reduction because it meets the general conditions provided for in articles 200 and 238 bis of the French general tax code.

To benefit from the tax reduction, it's very simple: just attach to your tax return the tax receipt that J'IRAI A L'ECOLE sends you each January.

Tableau noir à craies rempli de calculs

For individuals:

You benefit from a tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of your donation, within the limit of 20% of your taxable income.

If you donate €300, it will actually only cost you €102.

If you donate €100, it will actually only cost you   €34.

If you donate   50€, it will actually only cost you   17€.

For companies:

All of your sponsorship payments allow you to benefit from a tax reduction of 60% of their amount, within the limit of5‰  of your turnover excluding tax. If the ceiling is exceeded, the excess can be carried over to the next five financial years.

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