Support and reinforcement of the teaching team
The majority of teachers in Madagascar do not benefit from health coverage or a pension plan. JIAE has decided to set up real social protection for primary school teachers and the director.
Enrichment of educational material
Purchase of textbooks
Each year, J'IRAI A L'ECOLE buys a certain quantity of textbooks, so that each child can have one book per subject. These manuals are purchased second hand at square. They conform to the programs of the Malagasy Ministry of Education.
Purchase of materials educational
J'IRAI A L'ECOLE provides for the purchase of materials such as rulers, squares, compasses and world maps for teachers. Tables are made for each class.
Sending educational books and games
Thanks to the support of sponsors et donors of J'IRAI A L'ECOLE, dictionaries, early learning books, novels and educational games regularly enrich the school's teaching material. This material is sent with the assistance of the association Aviation Sans Frontières.

Funding for educational outings
Visit from museum, trip to the zoo and discovery of the cinema
The establishment of these educational outings has often been an opportunity for these children not only to leave their neighborhood for la first time, but above all to discover some of the fauna and culture of their country. These outings will also have allowed some of them to experience their first great emotions in a cinema.