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First harvest in the educational garden!

The pupils are in a state of euphoria this morning because, for the first time, they will be harvesting the "brèdes" (leafy vegetables) planted just 3 weeks ago. That just goes to show how rich the soil is in this part of Ambohidrapeto. But this fine harvest is also the result of a great deal of commitment on the part of the children, from the preparation of the land and the planting to the daily watering and harvesting.

This activity, supervised by a mother gardener, is a great success. The young gardeners are very proud when they arrive in the kitchen with their arms full of the fruits of their labour. Everyone pitches in to prepare the brèdes ("anatsonga", leafy vegetables cooked in a broth flavoured with onion and garlic and eaten with rice).

When it came time to taste them, everyone agreed: they were the best brèdes ever eaten at school!

The vegetable garden is a source of awakening, an empowering educational tool for recreating the link between the earth and the plate and tackling environmental issues.

Next harvests expected: salads and tomatoes the best in the world!

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